Tamworth NSW Australia
My daughter Chloe was devastated at 21 to find out she had fallen pregnant after using every contraception to man. Finally some months later was excited and had come around to the fact she was going to be a mother.
Tamworth NSW Australia My daughter Chloe was devastated at 21 to find out she had fallen pregnant after using every contraception to man. Finally some months later was excited and had come around to the fact she was going to be a mother.
Gulgong, Australia My son was born three weeks after my 20th birthday, he was 8 weeks early. I didn't see him for 24hrs after he was born as I was in intensive care and so was he. My husband is of Asian origin and we were convinced he would have dark hair, eyes and skin, yet there he was fair haired, fair skinned and blue eyed, the only trace of his father was a slight slant to his eyes.
Adelaide, Australia It took my husband and I four years to fall pregnant and countless fertility drugs. Once we decided that we were not going to be able to have a child and went off all the drugs, a month later I fell pregnant.
Melbourne, Australia We are very proud of our daughter Kerryn, who is turning 21 in July.
What a lot of hard work! But what a lot of laughs and rewards we have had along the way! When she was born, the midwife turned her hands over to find the tell-tale crease in her palms. My husband saw this happen, but did not realize the significance. Brisbane, Australia My daughter was diagnosed with MDS last October, 3 days after her 4th birthday. My daughter has slightly noticeable developmental delays, i.e. speech, toilet training, social skills. Her eyesight is still to be checked. She shows absolutely no outward signs of being an MDS child.
Australia My daughter, Felicia, was diagnosed as Down's Syndrome 4 weeks after her birth. I was not told anything about her being possibly Down's as I guess the Doctor's wanted to be sure before they told me. At the time, they told me she was Trisomy 21.
Perth, Western Australia Hello, my name is Diane.
When I was pregnant with my daughter at the age of 39, I knew the risks of having a child with a disability, and decided against the tests offered to me. My husband and I talked about how we felt about these children, and how we thought we could cope with a child with a disability -- after all, this baby was a product of us both. |
Fact About Us
Born in July 1999, we were the first and only website on the internet with any information on Mosaic Down Syndrome. |