My daughter, Felicia, was diagnosed as Down's Syndrome 4 weeks after her birth. I was not told anything about her being possibly Down's as I guess the Doctor's wanted to be sure before they told me. At the time, they told me she was Trisomy 21.
I began attending a support group for Down's and met other parents with Down's children. We were stimulating her with music, color etc. However, it became clear that my daughter was reaching all the milestones of "normal" babies.
At 18 months I had her blood re-tested and it came back 1/3 Down's and 2/3 normal. This is when I first heard about Mosaic. At 22 months she had a skin chromosome test and the skin was normal.
At 18 months I had her blood re-tested and it came back 1/3 Down's and 2/3 normal. This is when I first heard about Mosaic. At 22 months she had a skin chromosome test and the skin was normal.
At 3, my husband and I had genetic counseling to determine the risk to us having another Down's child. They told us that we had as much risk as anyone else and we were fine to have more babies, without worrying. At 10, I had her blood re-tested and it came back 20% Down's and 80% normal. I am looking to have her re-tested when she is about 15.
Presently she is in high school. She loves music--Backsteet Boys, Human Nature, Savage Garden, loves movies--Leonardo DiCapro, Heath Ledger, is into dancing, singing and her great love acting. She also loves crafts and loves doing things with her hands.
She struggles at school, however no more than other students in certain subjects--especially math! She is a delight to have! I would love to hear from other parents. Marie
Presently she is in high school. She loves music--Backsteet Boys, Human Nature, Savage Garden, loves movies--Leonardo DiCapro, Heath Ledger, is into dancing, singing and her great love acting. She also loves crafts and loves doing things with her hands.
She struggles at school, however no more than other students in certain subjects--especially math! She is a delight to have! I would love to hear from other parents. Marie