Lampasas, Texas
When my daughter was born (in 1984), the doctor called my husband at the time and I into a conference room where there were three doctors, my daughter and us. One doctor told us that she had some bad news about our daughter. She showed us her palms with the creases, the slanted eyes, the gap between the toes, and the large head and tongue. She told us that those were signs of Downs Syndrome.
Since it was a medical center, they had already done a blood and skin test on her and the results were MDS. I asked the doctor what that meant and she told me that some cells were normal and some were defected. I asked her how that would affect my daughter. She told me that Teri COULD be affected many ways. She could look Downs and have very low mental capabilities, she could looks downs and have normal mental capabilities, she could look normal and have very low mental capabilities, or she could look normal and have normal mental capabilities. The doctor also told me that it was rare, and they weren't sure what might happen at any time to my daughter and to watch her very closely.
When I got home with my daughter, I called a Downs Syndrome Support Group and the lady that I spoke to said that she had never heard of MDS. I was left on my own with lots of questions and no where to get answers. Even the doctors couldn't answer my questions. My husband and I got divorced and my daughter lived with me until she was 5 and then she lived with her dad for 8 years. She is now living with me and my new husband.
She is failing in school and the school will do nothing to help us because she can pass the TAAS reading test. She has violent mood swings, and is generally a very violent person. She has just gotten off probation for theft of a car and cell phone. She has a hard time telling right from wrong. She KNOWS the difference but lacks the judgement to tell until it is too late. She shows little to no emotion about the hurt that she causes other people either physically or emotionally. This is not the typical teen-age lack of concern, this is past the point of extreme. She choked her younger sister and left bruises on her neck over a hair brush. She has kicked me and hit my husband. Her attention span is about 2 minutes. She acts about 10 most of the time. She doesn't realize her responsibility for her actions stating that she didn't know. She has been told repeatedly about not wearing her sister's clothes. She wore one of her sister's dresses to school and got in trouble. When I found out about it, I told her that that is why I told her not to wear her sister's clothes because they were to small. Teri said that I hadn't said anything about THAT dress. This is how she thinks about everything.
I have had to OVER explain many things to her and she still doesn't understand. She has the mentality of my 11 year old son. She understands about what he does. Her dad denies that anything is wrong with her. When she moved back in with me, I had to put it on her school records because he wouldn't. She didn't start walking until almost 18 months. She still had extreme trouble self feeding on her first birthday. She didn't start talking until 2 1/2 years. She wasn't potty trained until almost 4. The doctors wouldn't do anything to help and they still don't know how to answer my questions. I want to know what to expect NOW. She wakes up in a different world everyday, and we never know what will set her off. We walk on eggshells until we find out what kind of mood she is in.
When I got home with my daughter, I called a Downs Syndrome Support Group and the lady that I spoke to said that she had never heard of MDS. I was left on my own with lots of questions and no where to get answers. Even the doctors couldn't answer my questions. My husband and I got divorced and my daughter lived with me until she was 5 and then she lived with her dad for 8 years. She is now living with me and my new husband.
She is failing in school and the school will do nothing to help us because she can pass the TAAS reading test. She has violent mood swings, and is generally a very violent person. She has just gotten off probation for theft of a car and cell phone. She has a hard time telling right from wrong. She KNOWS the difference but lacks the judgement to tell until it is too late. She shows little to no emotion about the hurt that she causes other people either physically or emotionally. This is not the typical teen-age lack of concern, this is past the point of extreme. She choked her younger sister and left bruises on her neck over a hair brush. She has kicked me and hit my husband. Her attention span is about 2 minutes. She acts about 10 most of the time. She doesn't realize her responsibility for her actions stating that she didn't know. She has been told repeatedly about not wearing her sister's clothes. She wore one of her sister's dresses to school and got in trouble. When I found out about it, I told her that that is why I told her not to wear her sister's clothes because they were to small. Teri said that I hadn't said anything about THAT dress. This is how she thinks about everything.
I have had to OVER explain many things to her and she still doesn't understand. She has the mentality of my 11 year old son. She understands about what he does. Her dad denies that anything is wrong with her. When she moved back in with me, I had to put it on her school records because he wouldn't. She didn't start walking until almost 18 months. She still had extreme trouble self feeding on her first birthday. She didn't start talking until 2 1/2 years. She wasn't potty trained until almost 4. The doctors wouldn't do anything to help and they still don't know how to answer my questions. I want to know what to expect NOW. She wakes up in a different world everyday, and we never know what will set her off. We walk on eggshells until we find out what kind of mood she is in.