I'm sitting here in Lidingö, Stockholm, Sweden reading all this beautiful stories about all this amazing kids!! I gave birth to a son 2 years ago and when he was 3 days old the doctors suspected that he might have ds.
I'm sitting here in Lidingö, Stockholm, Sweden reading all this beautiful stories about all this amazing kids!! I gave birth to a son 2 years ago and when he was 3 days old the doctors suspected that he might have ds.

They took the test and I had the worst week of my life waiting for the answer!! The answer came and a small pies of me died, all my hopes and dreams for my child changed in an instant.
I was in mourning but as time has past I have gotten new dreams and hopes for the best boy in the world - my son!!
He is now 2 years and has been walking the for the last 6 months. He is developing very nicely except when it comes to speech and sign but we practice hard and we will get there as well!
My son is my first, my only prince and I wouldn’t change a thing about him!! I love him with all my heart!!!!
Love Fredrica