When Tim was 2 1/2 years old he was diagnosed with MDS because of his delay in speech. At first, I was sad and scared because I didn't know what this meant for his future. Then, a social worker from the local Early Intervention came to interview me and she asked me what I expected my son's future to be.

I looked down at him playing on the floor with his older brother, Arron, and I thought long and hard about that. I told her that I didn't know what any of my children's futures would be, but I would make sure that whatever they decided to do in life they both would be the best that they could be! It was then that I decided that I would treat Tim just like any other child and expect the very best from him. He has proven that his very best is way above most expectations!
The first few years were really the hardest. I worked to help Tim overcome his speech delays and everything that we did throughout the day became a speech lesson. We never "sat down and did speech therapy". We just integrated into our daily routine. Tim did have frequent ear and respiratory infections, so we visited the doctor a lot, but as he grew older he outgrew those problems and is now a very healthy young man.
The first few years were really the hardest. I worked to help Tim overcome his speech delays and everything that we did throughout the day became a speech lesson. We never "sat down and did speech therapy". We just integrated into our daily routine. Tim did have frequent ear and respiratory infections, so we visited the doctor a lot, but as he grew older he outgrew those problems and is now a very healthy young man.

Tim began regular school without special education when he was in 1st grade, and didn't really have too much difficulty keeping up. Sometimes, the lessons went a little too fast paced, but with determination he was able to keep up. In 3rd grade Tim stopped speech therapy because his speech was fine by then and he didn't need extra help any more. When Tim was in 6th grade he wrote his first short story. The story was so well written that my husband, Glenn, and I both thought he had copied it out of a book! When Tim was in 7th grade, the school called me and said, "We can no longer test him for reading" I didn't quite understand what they were trying to tell me, so they explained that Tim's reading level was over the state testing standards and they didn't know what to do with him!
Tim graduated high school in 2005 with out special education help. He continues to write and hopes to complete his fantasy novel. He is currently looking for a job and plans to begin college in the Fall semester of 2006. He wishes to major in digital graphics.
In a recent interview, Tim was asked how he felt about having MDS. Tim said, "I am glad that I have MDS. Without it, I wouldn't have the creativity to write my stories and without it, I wouldn't be the person I am today!" That really touched me because, without Tim's MDS I wouldn't be the person I am today! Being the president and co-founder of International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association has been a very rewarding and educational experience for me and without Tim having MDS I would never know the joys and miracles of raising a child with special needs.
Tim graduated high school in 2005 with out special education help. He continues to write and hopes to complete his fantasy novel. He is currently looking for a job and plans to begin college in the Fall semester of 2006. He wishes to major in digital graphics.
In a recent interview, Tim was asked how he felt about having MDS. Tim said, "I am glad that I have MDS. Without it, I wouldn't have the creativity to write my stories and without it, I wouldn't be the person I am today!" That really touched me because, without Tim's MDS I wouldn't be the person I am today! Being the president and co-founder of International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association has been a very rewarding and educational experience for me and without Tim having MDS I would never know the joys and miracles of raising a child with special needs.