Eighteen hours after birth, the obstetrician told us that she suspected that our daughter possibly has down syndrome. After 1 week, the hospital called to tell that there was no D.S. found, only a translocation of chromosome 14-21.
We were very happy about this news, but 10 days after this news, they called again to tell us that they, by further research, did found cells with D.S. 28 of the 100 cells they investigate has 3 times chromosome 21, that makes about 25 %. She has almost no marks of D.S. People can't tell that she has D.S. when they see her. Our daughter is now almost 13 months old and she is doing very well. Her development is normal, she is very busy with trying to walk by herself and today she did 6 steps!!!!!!!!! We do not now what the future in her development will bring, that's our big surprise. What we do know is that she is a very great little girl, who makes our days very happy!!!!!!!!!!!